The IES, the first learning platform with more than 25 courses in English for insurance distributors

The IES, the first learning platform with more than 25 courses in English for insurance distributors

More than 1.500 certified hours of training in English for foreign insurance brokers working in Spain.

Redacción ‘MS’- The Instituto e-Learning del Seguro (IES) , certification centre for insurance training, recently launched a new continuous training itinerary entirely in English, resulting in a total of 27 online courses and pills available in their catalogue. They cover a variety of insurance-related aspects and topics, with a total of 50 hours of training available in English and that can be certified for the purpose of continuous education mandatory plans.

Since the IES launched this new training itinerary for English-speaking insurance brokers back in mid-2023, offering all the necessary training contents for levels 2 and 3 in English, this education platform has certified 1,596 training hours, with 1,200 training hours of levels 2 and 3 of Initial Training, and 296 training hours of different personal programs of continuous training.

In IES Director Jorge Campos’ own words: “Thanks to this training itinerary in English offered by the IES, Spanish insurance companies and brokers can meet the education requirements and needs of the Spain-based foreign insurance professionals that have insurance as their main professional activity, such as Insurance brokers or external associates”.

The IES is the only insurance training centre in Spain offering every content of the training for levels 2 and 3 in English, including the 200-hour and 150-hour initial training, as well as different 15-hour and 25-hour itineraries with learning pills for continuous learning plans. Moreover, all the evaluation tests are also in English in order to help this English-speaking group of professionals with their qualification and to complete their mandatory training as Insurance distributors in Spain.